What happens when I put an offer on a home?

In case you didn't know, today's housing market is nothing like it was in 2008. What happened then was caused by cheap debt, shady lending practices, and financial acrobatics that ended with too many borrowers in mortgages they couldn't afford.

Step back from 2008, and you see that home prices have appreciated in 4 of the last six recessions. They only fell twice—slightly in the early 90s (1.9%) and almost 20% in 2008.

My point is this: Not every recession is a housing crisis. If you're looking to buy, sell, invest, or flip, here's what to do:
+ silence the naysayers
+ look at the stats
+ and let me help you make on-time and informed decisions in 2022

Want to know more about buying or selling in our current market conditions? If so, DM me! I'd love to help.


734 N Montclair Testimonial


526 Woolsey: Featured in Candy’s Dirt